Penn State students have organized and led wilderness trips for 98 years.
Penn State’s Outing Club can’t go outside any more, reports Don Hopey in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Hiking, canoeing, kayaking, trail building and camping in places with poor cell-phone service is too risky, the university has decided.
Students have run the Outing Club for 98 years. Members say there have been no accidents or injuries in recent years.
The Outing Club visited Shenandoah National Park at the end of March.
Nittany Divers Scuba club will be able to talk about scuba diving, as long as they never get wet, reports Reason. Again, there have been no accidents or injuries, club members said. Penn State’s recreation department will organize and supervise any future scuba trips.
The caving club also was told to stop offering trips. However, the university will allow the Boxing, Alpine Ski Racing, Archery and Rifle Clubs to continue activities.
“Some of more than 80 Reddit posters wondered if the school will shut down its highly ranked men’s and women’s rugby teams, full-contact club street hockey, and even football because they were risky and potentially injurious,” writes Hopey.
Penn State’s staff-run Outdoor Adventures program will continue to offer wilderness trips. Students typically pay $90 to $130 for each excursion, compared to about $25 for the student-run trips, an Outing Club leader told Hopey.