An Arizona teacher with seven years experience posted her pay stub on Facebook: $35,621. Out of that, she pays for “every roll of tape I use, every paper clip I use, every Sharpie I grade with, every snack I feed kids who don’t have them, every decorated bulletin board,” wrote Elisabeth Milich, a second-grade teacher in Paradise Valley.
Where’s the money going? asks Matthew Ladner on Jay Greene’s blog. Why does Paradise Valley Unified pay so little?
Paradise Valley Unified received $10,143 per pupil in 2017, above the state average. That’s more than $300,000 for a class of 30 students.
Schools are hiring many more non-teachers, he writes. Once there were two teachers for every non-teacher. Now it’s one to one.
“Between fiscal year 2016 and 2017 per pupil revenue increased in PVUSD by $664 per pupil (from $9,497 to $10,143) and this teacher received a raise of $131.25 and this was after completing professional development,” writes Ladner. The district’s priorities are elsewhere.