Show me the test scores
You want my kids to go to your schools? Show me they’re learning, writes Citizen Stewart in a defense of test-based accountability....
Show me the test scores
How to motivate students
Remember when every kid counted?
Test scores don’t predict life outcomes
SAT/ACT may replace state test in California
What’s proficient? It’s every state for itself
Requiring the impossible leads to fraud
Testing empowers parents
Fudging graduation and now college-going rates
Why test scores matter
Orange is the new red
Here’s how schools inflate grad rates
Testing pushes weakest teachers to K-2
Indiana: Private schools test for vouchers
Wisconsin governor: Let schools set class time
Is there a future for test-based accountability?
California adopts ‘rosy’ school ratings
‘Dashboards’ replace A-F school grades
How high schools hide dropouts