First, San Francisco:
A day after announcing San Francisco public schools would stay open as long as possible, officials announced Thursday that all city schools would close for three weeks to try to slow down the progress of the new coronavirus.
Then, only 90 miles away, the Sacramento area:
California’s Sacramento County is calling off automatic 14-day quarantines that have been implemented for the coronavirus, saying it will focus instead on mitigating the impact of COVID-19. The change is an acknowledgement that the county cannot effectively manage the quarantines while its health system copes with coronavirus cases… Effective immediately, people in Sacramento County should not quarantine themselves if they’ve been exposed to the COVID-19. Instead, they should go into isolation only if they begin to show symptoms of the respiratory virus, the county’s health department says.
Elk Grove, an incorporated city just south of Sacramento, has shut down schools for 1 week. All other school districts in the Sacramento area are taking their cues from county and state officials and taking a measured response–not shutting down now, but that could change at any time.
Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, local districts should be reacting to conditions in their own districts.