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  • Writer's pictureJoanne Jacobs

Teacher fired for misgendering gets $360K

Jessica Tapia, a high school P.E. teacher in Southern California, refused to use her students' preferred pronouns and let them use restrooms that didn't match their biological sex. She said she wouldn't hide a student's gender transition from parents. She was fired.

Jessica Tapia Photo: Advocates for Faith and Freedom

Jurupa Unified School District will pay $360,000 to settle the former teacher's federal lawsuit which charged her civil and free-speech rights had been violated. Tapia said she acted based on her religious beliefs as a Christian.

She came to administrators' attention because of statements she wrote on her personal Instagram account.

Tapia is now homeschooling her three children, who are 6, 4 and 2, while heading the “Teachers Don’t Lie” program.

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1 Comment

Steve Sherman
Steve Sherman
May 17

She should have turned that down as an insulting first offer

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