Most students are "in the dark about their own learning," according to Data Quality Campaign’s new national poll of high school students, writes Jennifer Bell-Ellwanger on The 74.

Only a third said their school had told them what postsecondary or career paths are available to them or whether their courses are preparing them for higher education. Fewer than half said they know "whether they were meeting grade-level expectations, whether they were on track to graduate or how much academic progress they had made during the year."
Students also lack information on "outcomes for students like them at different postsecondary institutions and in various careers," writes Bell-Ellwanger. That makes it hard to plan for the future.
Three-quarters of students feel they’re on track for success in college or a career -- even though most don't know how well they're doing academically.
However, only 61 percent of students feel confident they know all their options, the survey found. Eighty-four percent want to know more about career options and 87 percent want more information on "what degrees or training they would need to be prepared for different types of jobs."
Nothing new here. Decades ago, not once did any high school or college adjunct, teacher, utter one syllable of career advice concerning interests, eligibility, or related qualifications. Quite likely, my demeanor and temperament had much to do with this, but you'd think standard practice would have mandated minimal advisories.
As't happened, I found my niche eventually, but only after 16 - 20 deadbeat years.
>Fewer than half said they know "whether they were meeting grade-level expectations, whether they were on track to graduate or how much academic progress they had made during the year."
Grades used to provide this signal. Who could have guessed that grades served a useful purpose?
>"what degrees or training they would need to be prepared for different types of jobs."
Google is your friend.