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  • Writer's pictureJoanne Jacobs

Good news in Tennessee

Tennessee's focus on tutoring and summer school is paying off, report Marta W. Aldrich and Kae Petrin on Chalkbeat. Scores are up for the second year in a row across all core subjects and grades.

Reading proficiency rose for third graders, who now have to attend summer school school and/or tutoring to be promoted to fourth grade.

Tennessee's Reading 360 initiative is training teachers in reading science and providing high-quality literacy curriculum, writes Lisa Coons, chief academic officer of the Tennessee education department, in Education Week.

1 Comment

Jul 03, 2023

I'm glad they're doing something right in Tennessee. In my CA district, they just offer to pay people and essentially say "do something". Best practices? Evidence-based? Assistance from the district? No, just more of the same and expecting different results.

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