Russian schools are watching war movies, taking "virtual tours" through Crimea and "celebrating Russia's 'rebirth' under President Vladimir V. Putin, writes Anton Troianovski in the New York Times.

"All Russian children will be encouraged to join a new patriotic youth movement in the likeness of the Soviet Union’s red-cravatted 'Pioneers' -- presided over by the president himself," he reports.
It will not be called Putin Youth, however.
Putin has ordered Russian schools to hire "patriotic advisors" to instill "spiritual-moral values," reports the Moscow Times. It's all "part of a new educational program that will replace Russia’s current curriculum."
Students will be taught that Ukraine is part of Russia and prepared to "serve and defend the fatherland."
Russia is sending teachers -- volunteers get large bonuses -- to occupied Ukraine, reports Robyn Dixon in the Washington Post. They will teach Russia's view of Ukraine's history.
Justifying a war over Ukraine after being stymied on the battlefield is not going to work. Miliary service/Conscription has had a bad reputation in Russia for a long time. The Russian Army is not the army that fought from Moscow to Berlin in WWII. I do not think the government media and schools can fix this. Putin must succeed or lose power.